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1. Name of the Club


The name of the Club is the Cardiff Squash and Racketball Club (hereinafter called ‘The Club’)


2. Registered Office


The registered office of the Club shall be at Ryder Street, Cardiff, in the County of Cardiff.


3. Objects


The Club is constituted for the purpose of promoting and providing facilities for the game of squash rackets and racketball, health and training facilities and for social purposes and to supply to members, wines, spirits, beers, aerated waters, and food.


4. Property


4.1 The property of the Club shall be vested in a minimum of 2 Trustees and not more than 4 four Trustees of the Club on behalf of the members.

4.2 The power of appointing a new Trustee or Trustees of the Club property shall be exercisable by the passing by members entitled to vote of a resolution at any General Meeting of the Club.

4.3 The Trustees shall have the power to mortgage or charge the Club property or to deal with same in any manner considered suitable by them having regards to the interests of the Club and its members.


5. Liability to Members


Except as to the payment of entrance fees and other fees as hereinafter mentioned, no member of the Club or of any Committee or any Officer of the Club shall be under any financial liability whatsoever.


6. Membership


Membership shall be limited to such numbers as may from time to time be fixed by the Management Committee.


7. Honorary Membership


The Club may in the promotion of the game of squash or for services to the Club, confer upon any person the distinction of honorary membership. Honorary members shall enjoy all the privileges of ordinary membership.


8. Subscriptions


8.1     Annual subscriptions are payable on election unless paying by monthly standing order. 

8.2   Subscriptions shall be as determined from time to time by the Management Committee subject to ratification of the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting.

8.3 Husbands and wives [or partners] can apply for joint membership, which will attract a reduced fee subject to rule 8 (2). Similar arrangements also  apply to their children.


9. Membership Categories Explained


9.1 FULL PLAYING members have full use of the Club playing facilities, gymnasium and social facilities and full voting rights.

9.2 LIFE members are those who are granted such privilege by the decision of the Management Committee and to pay the fee decided by the Management Committee at the appropriate time.

9.3 SOCIAL members do not have access to any playing or gymnasium facilities whatsoever. They may solely use the bar and social facilities and have voting rights. Social members do not receive priority for transfer to playing membership over existing applicants on the waiting list.

9.4 JUNIOR members must be under 18 years of age and must pay the full membership or student fee, if applicable, on the 1st of May following their 18th birthday.  They have no voting rights. Juniors may only use the playing facilities at times deemed appropriate by the Committee. They may use the Club bar during licensing hours when supervised by an adult.

 9.5 STUDENT members must be in full-time education and produce their NUS card on request or any other documentation deemed to be acceptable by the Committee. The upper age limit for student membership is 23, which means that full fees are payable on the 1st of May following the 23rd birthday They have full access to all Club facilities. They do not have voting rights.

9.6 HONORARY. Honorary membership may be conferred by the Management Committee for such reasons as distinguished service to the Club. Such members have full voting rights.

9.7 HEALTH AND SOCIAL. Health and social membership is restricted to those members who are already hold this category of membership or are existing members who wish to change category.  Health and Social members do not have the right to use squash facilities but they do have voting rights.  .  .

9.8 TEMPORARY members may be elected by the Committee but shall not be allowed to play in the Club teams or Club tournaments.  They have no voting rights.


10. Conditions of Membership


10.1 Candidates for membership  should contact the Membership Secretary or the Club Captain to begin the process to membership. Preferably they should be able to provide the names of a proposer and seconder . The proposer and seconder must have been Club members for at least two years.. Special consideration shall be given to candidates unknown to any existing member.

10.2   The name of any candidates for membership and that of their proposer and seconder may be posted on the Club notice board at an appropriate time for a period of seven days. Any member who objects to the candidate shall make his/her objection in writing, stating the grounds thereof, to the Club Secretary who shall inform the Committee but no other person.

10.3   If an application is not successful the proposer or applicant will be informed by the Membership Secretary or Club Captain and no reason will be given.

10.4 Successful applicants will be informed of their election by the Membership Secretary or Club Captain and the subscription requested for payment. 

10.5   When an elected candidate has paid the annual subscription or set up a standing order he or she shall be a member of the Club and be entitled to all the privileges of membership and shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Club. If a member resigns and subsequently wishes to rejoin the Club then he or she shall re-apply for membership.

10.6 Annual subscriptions shall be due the 1st May each year for those members of long standing. If a member's subscription has not been paid by the 30th June his/her membership and privileges shall automatically be rescinded.

Members who have joined the Club in more recent years will either have paid their annual subscription at the time of joining, irrespective of the date or, paid by standing order. In such cases the 1st May would not apply but fees must be paid when due.

Any member who has defaulted on his/her subscription shall not be entitled to use Club facilities unless approved by the Management Committee.

10.7   Any member wishing to resign from the Club shall signify his or her desire in writing to the Hon Secretary or Club Captain. Failure to resign in the proper manner makes the member liable for payment for the full subscription in that year.

10.8 Full Playing, Family and Pontcanna gym members may opt to pay monthly. Monthly payments are not available to other categories of membership.


11. Conduct of Members


11.1   Should the conduct of any member of the Club, in the opinion of the Management Committee be detrimental to the character, good order and welfare of the Club, then the Committee shall (at a Meeting of the Management Committee at which at least four Officers thereof are present) have absolute power to suspend or expel such member, provided that such a decision is made by three quarters of those present. The member whose conduct  is being considered shall receive notice of the meeting, and shall have an opportunity of being heard at that meeting.

11.2 The Management Committee shall be entitled to take immediate cognisance of any infraction of the Rules and Regulations by a member, and the Management Committee shall at once notify the member of the infraction and the member shall be liable to be dealt with under this rule.


12.  Annual. General Meeting of the Club


12.1 The AGM will be held once every year, at such times as determined by the Management Committee, always provided that not more than fifteen months shall elapse between the dates of any two such meetings. The Annual General Meeting     shall be held for the election of members to serve on the Management Committee and Officers of the Club, and to receive the Annual Accounts and the Auditor’s Report, and for such other business as may be raised in accordance with the Rules and Regulations.

12.2   Thirty days before the date of the Annual General Meeting in every year, a notice shall be sent to all members, other than those expressly enumerated in Rule 14, giving notice of the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting, and calling for:

12.2.1   Notices of Motion which should reach the Hon Secretary no later than 14 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.

12.2.2   Nomination for Officers and Management Committee Members should be advised no later than 14 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.     [See rule 19.1] Nominations should be properly proposed and seconded (see rule 19(2)).

12.3   Seven days before the Annual General Meeting details of any Notices of Motion, together with all nominations received, will be set out on the Club notice board, together with a report and any other documents which the Management Committee shall consider necessary. No other business than that on which notice has been so given shall be discussed at the meeting.

12.4   The Financial Year for the Club Accounts shall be the 30th day of April.


13. Special General Meetings


A Special General Meeting shall be called forthwith, upon the requisition in writing of not less than thirty (30) members entitled to vote, stating the purposes for which the Meeting is required. No business other than that specified in the notice convening the Meeting shall be transacted at a Special General Meeting.


14.  Voting at General Meetings


14.1  At all General Meetings, every Full Playing member, Life ,Honorary, and  Social members of the Club, but excluding, Student, Junior  and Temporary members, shall be entitled to be present and to give one vote, and no more, upon every question, provided that in every case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second and casting vote.

14.2   Voting at General Meetings shall (except at contested Elections of Officers or Members to serve on the Management Committee) be by a show of hands or otherwise as the Chairman may direct. The Management Committee shall be empowered, if they think fit, to make regulations for enabling members unable to be present, to vote by proxy or in writing.


15. Quorum


The Quorum at all General Meetings for all purposes shall be fifteen Members personally present and entitled to vote in accordance with the Rules.


16. Chairman


At all General Meetings the President, or in his absence, the Chairman of the Management Committee, shall preside, but otherwise the Meeting shall choose its own Chairman.


17. Chairman’s Decision Final


The Chairman’s decision as to the result of the voting on any question shall be final, and an entry in the minutes signed by the Chairman of the Meeting shall be conclusive of the terms of any resolution and of its having been passed.


18. Administration of the Club


The administration of the financial policy of the Club shall be controlled and dictated by the Management Committee  which is specifically set out in the following clauses:


19. Management Committee


19.1 The Management Committee shall comprise Chairman of the Club, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Men’s Captain, Ladies' Captain, Hon. House Secretary, Hon Membership Secretary, Social Secretary and four other Club Playing or Social Members.

19.2 Candidates must be proposed and seconded by members who themselves are entitled to vote. Nominations should be sent to the Hon. Secretary no later than 14 days before the Annual General Meeting unless there are insufficient nominations by that period, in which case nominations may be put forward at the Annual General Meeting without notice.

19.3   Casual vacancies may be filled by nominations by the Management Committee which may also co-opt additional members to Sub-Committees if it so wishes.

19.4   Once elected an Officer or member shall serve for one year from the date of the Annual General Meeting.


20. Powers of Management Committee


The Management Committee shall be responsible for administrative and financial policy of the Club. Day to day running of certain affairs may be delegated to whoever the Management Committee thinks fit.


21. Sub-Committees and Meetings and Quorums


21.1 The Management Committee may form such Sub-Committees as it thinks fit from members of the Management Committee and any co-opted members.

21.2   All recommendations or decisions of a Sub-Committee shall be of no effect until passed by the Management Committee.

21.3   A quorum at Management Committee meetings shall be 5.  

21.4   The Management Committee shall meet at least once in every calendar month. The Chairman or 3 Committee Members may requisition additional meetings on giving 7 days notice to all Committee Members.

21.5   All proceedings shall be by vote. In the event of a tie, the Chairman’s decision is binding.


22. Officers of the Club


22.1. The Club shall elect a President

22.2 The following shall be Officers of the Club to be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting:

  • Chairman

  • Honorary Secretary

  • Honorary Treasurer

  • Men’s Captain

  • Ladies' Captain

  • Honorary House Secretary

  • Honorary Membership Secretary

  • Honorary Social Secretary


23. Auditors


At the discretion of the Management Committee at each Annual General Meeting the Club shall elect a firm of auditors to audit the accounts  


24. Supply of Wines and Spirits


24.1 The Supply to the Club of intoxicating and other liquors shall be under the control of the Management Committee who shall arrange for the purchase thereof on behalf of the Club, and of the supply thereof to members of the Club at such prices as the Committee shall determine.

24.2 No intoxicating liquors shall be sold to any person who is not a member. 

24.3 The supply of intoxicating liquor will be permitted on the Club premises within the hours laid down by the Management Committee, and in accordance with the Licensing Laws.


25.  Alteration of Rules


These Rules may be added to, repealed or amended at any General or Special Meeting, by resolution passed by at least two-thirds of the members voting thereon. The said Rules may be added to, repealed or amended by a duly carried Resolution of the Management Committee, subject to ratification by the members at the next Annual General Meeting.


26. Manpower Providers to the Club


The Management Committee may appoint from time to time a Steward/Manager and professional and other providers of service upon such terms and conditions of service, salary, commission and otherwise as the Management Committee shall think fit.


27. Complaints as to those providing manpower services to the Club


Should there be any cause for complaint against any of the providers of manpower services, members shall make the complaint in writing to the Hon Secretary.


28. Member’s Addresses


Members shall notify the Membership Secretary or Club Captain of any change of address/email address/telephone numbers.  No member shall give the address of the Club in any advertisement or use the Club address for business purposes.


29. Animals


No animals will be allowed in the Club under any circumstances, with the exception of guide dogs.


30. Payment of bills


Members shall pay all bills for every expense they incur at the Club before leaving the Club premises, and no account shall be opened or credit allowed to any member.


31. Court Fees


The Club operates an on line booking system which allows members to book and pay for a court up to 14 days in advance. In the event of cancellation members will receive full reimbursement so long as at least 24 hours notice is given prior to the date/time of court use. More details may be found on the website.


32. Visitors and Guest Players


A Member introducing a visitor shall enter his name and full postal address in a book kept for this purpose and pay a guest fee of £8.00 per visit , on arrival, and no person who is not eligible for Membership or who has been expelled from the Club, or has ceased to be a Member under rule 10(6) may be introduced as a visitor. 


33. Rules of Play


The Rules for the playing of Squash Rackets in the Club shall be the Rules of Play as fixed from time to time by the World Squash Federation, except insofar as these may be modified by any local Rules adopted by the Club.


34. Hours of Opening and Closing


The Club premises will be opened and closed at such hours as the Management Committee may determine. Any alteration will be notified on the notice board.


35. Dispute


Any dispute regarding the interpretation of these rules shall be decided by the Management Committee.


36. Responsibility for loss


Neither the Management Committee nor the Club, nor any person connected with it, shall be responsible to any member, visitor or guest, or any other person for the loss of any money, valuables or other property on the premises of the Club. Such also applies to any such loss or damage to vehicles and their contents parked on Club premises.


37. Conditions of Play


The Management Committee may lay down from time to time such conditions as to the playing of Squash Rackets by members or guests as they deem fit.


37. Club Colours


The award of Club Badges shall be the prerogative of the elected Captains of the Ladies’ and Men's first Teams.


38. Dissolution


The Club may at any time be dissolved by the consent of three-fourths of the eligible voting members.


39. Bye Laws




Dress on the squash court shall be as follows:

39.1.1   Non marking  shoes shall be worn at all times

39.1.2  Black-soled shoes are strictly forbidden unless they are non marking.

39.1.3   Normal wear on the court shall be duly recognised squash attire

39.1.4   Dress for matches shall be governed by the Rules of World Squash Federation

39.1.5   Members are expected to change from their squash kit after playing before using the Club bar. Members must to be properly dressed in the bar. Smart  casual is expected.


39.2 NOISE – The Club is situated in a residential area and members are requested to minimise noise when arriving at, or leaving the Club premises.


39.3 TELEVISION – The use of the television in the Club may be restricted at certain times to accommodate Club functions /meetings etc


39.4 FOOD – cooked food is not to be consumed in the bar area.


39.5 CAR PARKING – Facilities are provided for Club members or guests attending the Club and not for persons working in the vicinity unless specifically agreed by the Management Committee. Parking at the Club is normally available for the duration of the use of Club facilities and not for extended periods.


39.6 SMOKING. In addition to the law banning smoking within the Club the Committee agreed to extend this restriction to ‘e cigarettes’.



Amended - November 2023

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